All Dan certificates will be issued from Japan
It can not be issued by itself under the name of ISKF
People who do not observe the Terms will be expulsion

If you want to participate ISKF, You need to get recommendation from each district of Shihan
@@International Seishinryu Karate Federation.All Japan Seishinkai Karate Federation.
Regulations for Official Representation for Honbu-cho/Shibu-cho
@@With effect from 1st November 2011

Orthodox members of ISKF will put the name of the Seishinryu to karate uniforms

ISKF Dojo and Friendship dojo
 Lineal dojo/Seishin-ryu Branch
 Affiliation dojo 
    (1) Official member.
@ (2) 
Associate member(standardmember)
 Friendship dojo 
.Special Friendship dojo

Rules and regulations of ISKF 
1. If you joined as a friendship dojo we are not  
     including the Dan in the Certificate. 
     ( we are not writing the Dan )
 Official certificate will be sent to you by airmail 
     after payment is received.
 Annual Registration fee US$ 100.(1year)
 Annual Membership fee for renewal must be paid 
     every year before 31st of December.
¦EMS Needed $ 25 separately

        ISKF rules                      Membership application form              ISKF-Questionnaire

There are examination to become a member
[Method of remittance of membership fee]
      Paypal only

Orthodox members of ISKF will put the name of the Seishinryu to karate uniforms





Karate international students

Recruiting Karate International Students in Japan
E International students will study in Japan for a long time with karate culture visa
E Karate foreign student = Uchideshi
Student conditions
E 18 to 30 years old
E The training period is from 3 years up to 10 years
E More than Shodan
Edriver licence
EJapanese test grade 4
E The target is Sandan-Godan, Shihan qualification
E Please open the branch Dojo of Seishinryu Karate if you return home
Please contact me if you are interested



ISKF Sri Lanka