Only pure Seishin-ryu karate expert and JSKF member dojo with Seishin-ryu karate
school and Seishinkan graduation in Japan.
Seishin-ryu as only gryu-hah in dojo. Only Seishinkan as name of gkanh. ISKF
only allow one Lineal dojo per country.
All Dan certificates will be issued from Japan.It can not be issued by
itself under the name of ISKF
Lineal member Dojo (Certified Dojo)
Dojo Name
Branch chief |
1 | International Seishin-ryu Karate Federation Sri Lanka |
Kkpps Satharasinghe Sri Lanka ISKF South Asia Headquarters |
2 | International Seishin-ryu karate Federation India |
3 | International Seishin-ryu Karate Federation Bangladesh |
S Islam Shuvo Bangladesh |
4 | International Seishi-Ryu Karate Federation Nepal |
Official member dojo must comply with ISKF terms and pass membership examination.
HQ delegate the right to represent activities to Lineal dojo and Offical dojo.
If there is a Lineal dojo and Offical dojos, priority rights are transferred to the Lineal dojo.
Official member Dojo (Partnership Dojo)
Dojo Name
Branch chief/Dojo Master |
1 | Sanshinkan Sodermalm Karateklubb |
Ken Bokelius Sweden |
2 | Cayman Associated School of Karate |
GREGORY REID Cayman Islands and Canada |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Friendship and Cooperation members dojo
Dojo Name
Dojo Master |
1 | OSKKF | Santiago Sacaba | Italy |
2 | WUKKO | Gustavo Gondra | Argentina |
3 | ASOCIACION CORDOBA DE KARATE Y KOBUDO | Leandro Moreno | Argentina |
4 | Seitokan | Ali Sabra Abeden | Kuwait |
5 | WKKBO | Francisco Aranda | Argentina |
6 | Daishin school | MLADEN BURAZEROVIC | Serbia |
7 | Pakistan Seishin-ryu Karate Federation | Danish Khan | Pakistan |